Sunday, 23 June 2013

Does a Bear Shit in the woods?

Hi everyone,

Well for those of you who don't know me, (how did you ever find this place?)

I'm Rick, and I'm a long standing member of the Second Life community.  This is my attempt at a blog.  I have no idea what this will be yet.  I'll try to make it funny and sexy.  It will have my thoughts on SL, some of my experiences and other stuff.

I'll try to bring readers fun little tidbits of my life in SL.  This will be honest and blunt...I'll try to keep names to a minimum so as to not embarrass anyone and this will always be about MY opinion.  If it goes along with yours...fine.  If it doesn't and you'd like to debate...also fine.  But if you get huffy or just plain insulting...well then just don't read.

So a little background on me I think is in order.

I'm 45 years old, I've been in SL for 6 years now, going on 7 very soon.  I was introduce to SL by someone I'd meet on Yahoo chat.  At the time we were doing text based cyber sexing and she told me about this new place called Second Life.

After the requisite stay at newby island I finally managed to get my first Avatar in order and off I went with her to explore the seedy side of cartoon porn chat.

To say I was impress...not so much!.  Keep in mind for those of you who know SL this was 6 years back.  We looked awful and do to anything you had to jump from one poseball to another.  Oh and let's not forget Xcite...clicking on body part and hear them speak was ALL the rage.  This I thought was not a real conductive medium for easy flowing role playing.

Took a while but I finally figured it out....and got HOOKED.  Now it's like Crack...can't go without it.

So BEAR with me...and as I go along I'll try to entertain you all with my musings.  Keep reading...if anyone is actually out there.


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