Sunday, 20 October 2013


Good morning readers.

Well this weeks post is all about questions I've had ever since I bought a hot tub in SL this weekend.

Ever since I've been wondering;


Follow the guide if you will.

Nerenzo Tub Aspen - adult - 174 animations

Now this all started yesterday when I bought THIS tub and put it down at Olina.  BTW let me say right off the bat...I'm not Dumping of creators and builders here...and this is NOT about this particular just brought up question for me that I felt like sharing with you all.

Oh and also...Olina as a new hot tub now...go fuck in it.


After only a few minutes of having put this down and jumping in it with other people started wondering.

-Why can't we sit more then 4 people?
-Why can't we move closer together?
-Why don't we have more group animations?

This started me thinking about SL's evolution.  Now I'm not a builder or a scriptwriter but I wondered.  If you have the talent to build something like that tub.


If I'm a creator, I build my first toy and I'm happy.  It sells well.  Logic would say, you look at the feedback you get from your customer and go from build 1 to build 1.1 to 2.0 to 3.0 right?

But in SL you often don't see that.  People seem to be content to put something out on the market and then just let it lie there, never going any further.

So I wondered is it cost, time, or just plain...I don't give a fuck?

I've been in Second Life now for 7 years (dear God).  I've seen MANY things evolve since I first started out.

-Sex Bed
-Prim and then Mesh

It seems when we first started out, it was like the wild west.  People were out to make a name for themselves and concur the new frontier.

But now 10 years into SL it seems that things have slowed down considerably.  Where we use to get a leap in SL creation every other week now it seems that people have just given up.

Don't get me wrong some creator are still hard at it and Thank God for that.  But it seems they've also become content with just putting a product out there and never ever coming back to it.

Let me give you an example of what I thinking.  When we got into the tub and we tested out ALL the poses here what I came up with right off the top of my head.

-Add poses outside the tub for people to lean up again and just chat with those IN the tub.
-Increase the number of animations for the 3some FFM (seems like it's 90% blowjobs)
-Put in some "Warm up" animations as in where people get closer together and just rub each other
-Make is so other around the tub could either watch the action or even join in.

Those are just some of the idea I had after using this tub for 20 minutes.

It had me thinking.  Did the creator not think of these things?

Again, I say, I'm not a builder so I'm not dumping here.  For 499$ this is an great toy.  But why stop at "Great" when you have a platform and you could make this THE greatest Hot Tub in SL history with just a few adjustments?

The same can be said of almost all the toys in SL.  Just last week I discovered Akaesha's "React" engine.  Do you know what blew me away?

The Erotic ♥Bedroom Suite♥ Interactive Lovescenes with multiple Orgasms - Style: Penthouse Corona

The fact that you could do a Tit grab!!!

Such a simple thing yet no other builder had thought to take the time and think that in RL...when we're in a sexual position we move.  It's the subtle things at time that will blow your mind.  To be able to fuck someone and than just reach out and grab their breasts, was AMAZING.

I'll admit..the REACT toys are pricy...but well worth it.

BUT...and there's a BUT yes.  Like many others in Second Life.  This engine as been around since 2007 they say.  YET...they have yet to go beyond creating one engine to power 3somes or moresomes.

Again it seems they're are content to say "Well we have a couples toy...that's that"

Now I'm not privy to the builders though process.  For all I know they may be working on something as we speak or they may of given up completely.

But if Akaesha could come up with this engine back in 2007 why is it I wonder that others haven't picked up the gauntlet?

I can easily remember back 7 years ago when Stroker Serpentine came out with his sex engine.  People were copying that shit left and right.  Some were literally copying it..which brought on some ground breaking legal battles on Cyber property issues.

But a lot of people got inspired by his creation and wanted to top it.  This created a creative, competitive atmosphere that gave use new sex bed almost every month.

Now some of you may say  "Yeah but Rick there are just so many ways one can fuck someone" to you I say...Shut up this is my blog go write your own and you're an unimaginative

Ok given, you don't have to reinvent the wheel here.  But what about what REACT as done.  If you give me Missionary position, how about you give 5 level of it?  Where I move a leg, or lean down and kiss her or reach down and grab her boobs.  Don't just stop at this one lousy static pose where I"m humping like a brain dead rabbit.

From some of the toys I've seen I would wager that some of the people who build these sex toys, have never had much experience in RL.  Some go from recycled poses (Like the TASTE HER pose.  I swear I see that one in a toy I feel like throwing up).  To static pose where you look like you're fucking a tree stump.  To the one right out of Cirque du Soleil.  I mean give me a break...the human body does NOT bend that way.

Here's an example of Evolution and attention to detail.


The Sex Pool Table from Alina.

Not only does the creator give you options to have this toy in Prim or Mesh, BUT this is one of the first (and sadly still one of the few) Fully Bisexual toys in SL.  Male Bisexual of course...the girls can lick pussy on any sex toy.

But talk about attention to details.  Ok this is NOT a perfect toy.  BUT you can see where the animations were built for that specific toy with very few being recycles from other sex engines.  The innovation of having a choice in the 3some menu to go full on Male Bisexual is mind blowing.

But again here top of my head

-Why is the Bisexual option only in the 3some menu?

This creator is to be commended cause He or She does come out with new stuff on a regular basis.  So a case can be made as to why they don't go back and adjust or tweek an older toy.

SO, I put it to you, those of you who create and build in SL.  Am I full of shit?  If so please let me know.  I'd love to know your feeling about these questions.

Again I say, this wasn't about putting down anyone builder or any particular toy.  I stand in awe of those who take the time and have the skills to build anything in SL.

This is just the Bear wondering WHY?

Have a good week you all and let me know your thoughts.

Saturday, 12 October 2013


Greeting Blogger readers,

Sorry if I've been away for a bit...but RL as kept me busy these past few weeks.  I've been remodeling. .

But I'm back with a vengeance this week with one Story (already posted) and now my thoughts for the week

So time to put our thinking caps on and take a look at a phenomena I've seen much of in SL over the years.  I call it.


Fist off let me say this is NOT a rant.  I'm not harping on people here just discussing something that I've notices over the years.

So what is this EFFECT?  You may ask.

Well most of you who have been in SL for any given amount of time know that most people when they come to a sim...any kind of sim (unless it's a shop). Tend to go no further then about 30m from the landing spot.  Which I'm sure must infuriate most Sim creators.  They spend their time and money building these awesome sims with tones of toys and no one goes around to use them.

This is where the EFFECT starts to kick in.

Now if you've ever "People watched" you get the idea of where I'm going.  People in RL or SL tend to act differently as individual then they do in groups.  It's the same thing you'll see in RL where in a given situation what they call MOB mentality takes over.  You can reason with on's harder to reason with a crowd.

As for SL, the effect as a different way of manifesting itself.

We'll take Olina as our exemple.

On any given day when you rezz at Olina you find people on the patio.  Most time you'll find Zach scrubbing down the

People will walk around or sit and chat.  Like a pride of lions on a hot day they mostly look around for their next meal and that's just normal.

Were we see the Monkey see Monkey do effect in action is when the place starts to be a little crowded.  A group of people will start dancing.  One woman will take her top off, within a few minutes what you see is that all the women have their tops off.

A couple will start to have sex on one of the sofas or chair, then you'll see others join in on other toys.

A personal example I witnessed this morning.

Now most people couldn't find the Olina Cinema with both hands and a flash light.  Yet this morning 4 very sexy and very people decided to go down there to use one of the Great Rugs located there. (More on those rugs later).  So as I'd just gotten up and was drinking my coffee, I figured why not go down there and sit quietly and just watch for once.   I rarely get to Perv others.

Now as I sat there quietly watching the Effect started.  As I've stated, most at Olina don't have clue WHERE the cinema is located.  But within minutes of my sitting down and enjoying the view.  One, than two and then three more people magically appeared.

Within a few minutes you could have sworn the landing spot had been changed from Patio to the Cinema.

Now again don't get me wrong this is not a negative, nor is it a positive thing.  It's just an observation.  It seems that on their own people won't really explore, yet if a few start something they're more then willing to join in or at least have a look.

It seem the group mentality as a way of breaking down barriers.  Where someone may have second thoughts about getting naked or down right raunchy when alone with someone else...its seem their inhibitions melt away when they see others start acting up around them.

Now some of you will say...they just get horny watching others...and yes I'm sure that's part of it.  But if you take a look around you in SL you'll see the Effect happen in a multitude of situation, sexual and non sexual.

So remember all you party planners out there, or those intrepid souls who want to do some type of event that all you need are one or two couples to start the fun and then you'll see everyone join in in no time at all.

So that was my take on Social behavior.

Now for some shameless plugs.

First of all, about the aforementioned rugs at Olina.  For those of you who'd like to see them in action...they're IN THE CINEMA...use the teleporter.

They are a creation of one of the member Windmaster4 Vernon and here's a URL for his store.  Please make sure to visit.

Second, and just cause it's my Blog and I can...I want to plug a work of a friend of mine Jeanne Sahara whom I think if one of THE best photographers in SL.  But you can judge that for yourself at her Gallery.  I'll give you a link to both her Flickr Page and her SL gallery.  She's having a sale of her hurry up and go get it...I'm told everything in the gallery is up for sale.

Ok well right now I only have her Flickr page the woman...she'll give you a LM.

You all have a great week now.

See you all soon and again thank you for reading.  (Comments always welcomed)


Friday, 11 October 2013


Finally I'm here.

I thought to myself as I road into the parking lot of the Olina Motel.

I'd been on the road since 6 am and I was starting to feel it.  Whatever possessed me to think that doing a two week multi-city tour of our east coast distributors on my Harley would be a fun idea, I'll never know.
Don't get me wrong, nothing I like better than having a good ride.  But a run of bad weather and a couple of mechanical breakdowns was turning this fun little tour into a pain in the ass.  Thankfully I was on my last stop for the week.  North Carolina.  The weather had been nice and the road had been smooth.  Although I'd had to ride hard all day to make up for lost time.

It was now 10 pm as I pulled in.  The places looked good.  Not my usual fair, but the place had been recommended to me by one of my biker client.  Said it was the best place to stay in NC and the service couldn't be beat.

I grabbed my saddle bags of the bike and slung them over my shoulder as walked into the reception area.  The place was quaint.  Looked like something out of the 70's.  But you could tell it was well maintained.  The lack of cars in the parking lot told me getting a room wouldn't be a problem.
Putting my bags down I rang the bell on the counter, has I unzipped my jacket to fish out my phone and check for messages.

"Hey there, how you doing?"

I looked up from my phone a little startled to see this big bald guy standing there with a smile.
"Hey, sorry you caught me a little off guard there, you move quietly for a guy your size” I said with a smile, putting my phone away in my breast pocket.

"I'm Rob, what can I do for you?"

The man asked.  He had an accent I couldn't really make out, but he was definitely not home grown.  More European.

"Well Mike Tuttles said that if I was coming down this way, Olina was the place to stop.  He highly recommended you and I trust him so I'm here.  I hope you have a room?"

"Ah Mike yes, he one of our regular visitors here at Olina.  We always enjoy having him.  As for a room that won't be a problem.  Middle of the week like this it's pretty quiet.  Here you go, room 18A, that's Mike's usual room, it has a view of the inner court yard and its right by the Pool and Hot tub."

He said as handed me my room key.

"Need any help with you bags?"  He asked.  "Naw I'm fine I travel light.  18A you say?"  I asked sort of pointing in every direction.

"My wife Tam will show you the way.   TAM!?" He shouted lightly into the back room

"Coming baby!"

Came a voice from the back of the reception desk.  As the beaded curtain behind Rob pulled away I could see this gorgeous, African American woman step out.  She was at least a head shorter than him, with wavy black hair and light mocha skin.  She was probably in her 50's but very well preserved, and from how her t-shirt stretched in front of her I would say that gravity had not caught up to her yet.

"Well hello there” 

She said with a warm and friendly smile as she wrapped one arm around Rob's waist. 

"Welcome to our little corner of heaven"

"Tam this is....I'm sorry I didn't even get your name yet"

"Richard, but you can call me Rick everyone does.  It's a pleasure to meet you both” 

I said shaking their hands.

"Richard comes to us recommended by Mike” 

Rob said with what I could of sworn was a wink.

"Oh well any friend of Mike is a friend of ours sugar.  Come you must be tired, and you look like you picked up half of the road on your way here.  Let me show you to your room"

"Thank you kindly”

I said with a smile as I picked up my things and followed her out the door.

"Be seeing you soon" 

Rob said as I stepped out the door with a wave. 

The night air was surprisingly cool for mid August.  As we entered the court yard Tam took care to point out the Pool and Hot Tub at the back.  She was going on proudly describing the place.  I have to say my mind was elsewhere as she walked in front of me.  Her hips swaying from side to side, a pair of cut off shorts showing off her firm ass.

"Here we are"

"Wha...oh...euh thank you” I stammered as the sudden stop in front of my door caught me, with my eyes on the cookie jar sort of speak.

"Feel free to use the pool and hot tub if you like sugar.  The place is practically deserted tonight, only a few other guests, on the other side.  They're retirees and RV'er so they park out back we hardly ever see them."

"Thanks, I don't know about swimming laps but I am looking forward to a shower."

"You take care now sugar, bee seeing you soon” 

She said as she left and walked back to the reception desk.  I have to admit for a second there I wondered what "be seeing you soon" meant, but I was too tired and in too much need of a shower to care any longer.

The road had been long, hard and dusty, but the shower didn't disappoint.  It felt good to wash away the miles.  As I stepped out of the now steam filled bathroom, I took a moment to look out the window of my room that looked out onto the pool area.  I noticed the hot tub was still turned on and the water was just bubbling away.  Now I hadn't packed a swimsuit or anything, but looking at the deserted courtyard I figured, who would notice. 

So wrapping a towel around my waist I grabbed my room key and out I went into the cool night air.  Looking left and right to make sure the coast was clear, I tip toed my way to the beckoning hot tub.  The tub itself was an in ground one, probably built in the 70’s, it was a simple concrete tub,  with a few steps leading into it and a small interior ledge going all the way around where you sat and relaxed.  A few embedded lights gave the bubbling water a nice glow in the dark of night. I quickly whipped my towel off and slid into the warm bubbling water, letting out a low groan of pure bliss as I settle down, feeling the hot jets start to massage my aching muscles after a long days ride.

As the water churned around me I spread my arms out, over the edge of the tub and let my head fall back slightly.  I could feel the contrast of the cool night air on my face as my body was being cradles and massaged by the warmth of the water.  My eyes closed and for a moment I drifted away, letting the low rumble of the tubs motor carry me away.

‘’Well, I see you've found our hot tub’’

My eyes opened and my head shot back up as I looked up to see Rob standing there, a towel wrapped around his waist and holding a couple of beers in one hand.

‘’Thought you might want a cold one’’

He said, with a smile as he bent down and handed me one of the bottles.

‘’I hope you don’t mind me using the hot tub, Au natural’’ 

I said, as I grabbed for the bottle with one hand and waved the other up and down to indicate that I was, in the buff under the water line.

He laughed softly, ‘’Not at all, to tell the truth I never wear anything in that thing, kind of spoils the feeling’’

He said as he slid one hand down his waist and loosen the towel around him, letting it fall to the ground.

‘’Hope you don’t mind if I join you’’

He asked, with a slight grin. 
I looked up at the man as he stood there, his firm body fully exposed and his rather impressive manhood dangling in front of him.

‘’Not at all, it’s your tub after all.’’ 

I said as I sat back and leaned against the side of the tub, watching as he took the spot directly in front of me and slowly sat down letting out the same deep moan I had a few moments ago.

‘’God that feels good after a long day’’

The two of us sat there, facing each other, sipping our beers slowly and talking of this and that.  Every now and again I could feel a foot rubbing up against my calf.  I made no attempt to slide away and just enjoyed the filling as we chatted.

The conversation stopped as we both heard the clanking sound of bottles rapping against each other.  We looked up to see that Tam had made her way to us carrying 6 more bottles in her hands.

‘’I thought you boys might still be thirsty’’ 

She said as she stood above us, looking down with a smile, a white towel wrapped neatly over the top of her full breasts and covering up her mid section all the way down to her hips, stopping just high enough to give a nice view of her uncovered mound. She slipped one foot into the tub and then the other as she turned and stood right in front of me, the towel now half way into the water as she held both arms out, holding the cold beers in each hand and thrusting her chest out in my face.

‘’Mind giving me a hand there?’’

She asked, looking at me with a smile. 

With a quick glance over to Rob who looked at me and gave a nod of approval I looked back up to Tam.

‘’Would be my pleasure’’

I said as I put my empty bottle down and slipped my other hand out from beneath the water, I gently grabbed the edge of the wrapped towel above her breast and slowly pulled it apart until it revealed her completely.  Tossing the wet towel to the side as I gazed up at her lovely body.

The night was dark, but the tubs lights serve as illumination, as I let my gaze move slowly up and down her body.  Her Breasts were firm and smooth, her waist slender with nice curvy hips and an inviting landing strip just above the water line.

‘’Umm why thank you sir, such a gentleman’’

 She said with a light laugh as she moved forward and straddled me, her warm thighs sliding down on either side of me, her knees finding a spot on the little concrete ledge, as she brought her hands around my back and gently deposited the bottles behind me, before opening three of them and tossing the caps into the dark night, handing a bottle to each of us and taking one for herself. 

As we clanked our bottles together in a small toast, I slid a hand down her side and down to her firm ass to make sure she didn't slip from my lap.  My eyes were firmly locked on her full breasts as she leaned back to tap her husband’s bottle with hers and then leaned back in against my hairy chest.  The cool air had insured that her nipples were hard and firm against my wet chest.
We sat this way for a time, drinking and talking.  I learned that Mike was a frequent visitor of the Olina Motel and that he too enjoyed sharing a hot tub with the owners.  I knew by now that Mike was surely sharing more than just a hot tub as I was very familiar with Mike`s tastes, having shared more than a few interesting moments with him in the Gym’s steam room late at night.

As we talked I could feel Tam’s firm tights slowly grind up against my own.  With my legs spread wide apart it wasn't long before I could feel her soft pussy start to rub up against my growing cock.  I could also feel Rob’s foot slowly making its way up my calf, his toes now pressed against the edge of my seat, between my legs.  I let out a little groan as I felt the man’s toes start to wiggle against my nut sack, the result of which, only making my cock that much harder as it rose, like a torpedo under the water, only to press itself against Tam’s shave pussy.

Having finished off a second round, Tam pressed her body firmly against mine; making sure to rub her firm tits against my chest as she reached behind me once more to grab the three last bottles that were sitting behind my head.  As she raised her hips slowly from my lap I felt Rob foot slowly slide up along my engorged shaft until he’d pushed it straight up.  As she slowly sank back down into the water, I could feel Tam’s warm, tight cunt slowly wrap itself around my shaft.

Letting out a soft, low, sensual moan as she settle back down, offering me a beer, I could feel her clench around me as she stretch backward to hand Rob his own bottle.  Handing him the beverage she slowly pulled herself back in with one hand around my neck.  Pushing her hips down, impaling herself completely on my cock as I closed one hand over her left ass cheek.

We continued to talk, as she slowly stared to rock her hips in a small circular motion.  She told me that she and Rob were in a loving and committed relationship but that from time to time they enjoyed opening up their sex life to include friends, new and old.  I found it hard to keep my mind on the conversation as Rob kept up his massage of my balls as she ground herself on my throbbing shaft.

‘’Well I’m glad we`re becoming such good friends’’

I said, as my fingers slid between her firm cheeks and I pressed the tip of my index finger into her tight little asshole. 

She let out a loud moan and gasped, as she felt my thick digit force its way into her tight little pucker.  She smiled as she started pushing back on my finger, her tight cunt giving my cock a firm squeeze.

‘’Umm Mike was telling the truth about you.  You are a naughty one’’

‘’He would know’’ 

I said with a smile as I gave my hips a little upward thrust, to emphasize my point.

As Tam wrapped both arms around my neck, putting her beer down to get a better grip, I felt Rob’s foot slip away.  She arched her back and slowly pulled away from my chest, from the corner of my eye I could see Rob, standing beside us, his erect cock now jutting out in front of him, inches from my face.  Without hesitation I leaned closer and swirled the tip of my tongue over the offered cock head before parting my bearded lips and wrapping them around the swollen head, slowly nursing it as Tam watched on, using her knees for leverage as she started to buck her body up and down, her tits bouncing and slapping against the water.

Rob gave an approving groan as he slipped one hand behind my head, pulling my mouth further down on his protruding shaft.   Without a hint of resistance, my head started bobbing back and forth.  Slurping sounds joining the lustful moans of pleasure in the night.  I could feel the head of his cock pressing at the back of my throat; it had been a while since I’d taken such a well hung guy.  But those late nights in the steam room with Mike had thought me how to relax my throat to let a nice juicy thick member slide down without gagging.
The sight of her husband massive tool buried deep into another man’s throat was one Tam always enjoyed tremendously.  She started to rock her hips with more force as she watch the thick phallus slip forward and back with ease.  Slipping a second finger into her little back door was all it took to push her over the edge.  Her body arching, her head falling back as she let out a loud orgasmic moan of pleasure.  Rob reached down to grab her wet hair and pressed his lips to hers in a deep, lustful kiss as she screamed her pleasure into his mouth. 

Thankfully the motel was almost empty, otherwise I was sure that every room would have lit up, followed by half awake guests, stumbling out to see what had pulled them from their slumber.
As Rob pulled away, I found his thick cock being replaced by Tam’s hot tongue as she dug her nails into my shoulder blades, locking me down in a very passionate kiss.  As our tongues mingled she slowly started to pull herself up and off my cock and fingers as she stood back up on shaky legs.  Breaking the kiss, almost reluctantly she took my hand in hers.

‘’Now, come with us’’

 She said as we all made our way out of the hot tub none of us bothering with our towels.  Steam rose from our naked bodies as we made our way to their private quarters.
Making our way past the small living room, I could feel Tams nails dig into my right butt cheek as she let out a playful growl.  Rob motioned me into the bed room.  The large room was tastefully decorated and candles had been lit, giving the place a shimmering look.  It seemed that my hosts were well prepared for me.
As I slowly turned around to get a good look at the room, my gaze fell back on Tam, her face lit up by candle light.  I could see a cat like grin on her face as she slipped her fingers up my hairy chest.
‘’Now Boys, let’s get down to some serious fun’’

She said her tone a little more forceful as she presses her palm on my chest and push me backward onto the bed.  My elbows cushioning my fall backward as I landed in the soft bed, I watched as she put one hand on Rob shoulder and push him to his knees between my spread legs.

‘’Now get to it honey!’’

She said as she herself slowly climb onto the bed like a cat, clawing at my chest before spreading her warm thighs on either side of my head and pressing her juicy cunt onto my mouth.  As Rob engulf my hard cock into his warm mouth, I let out a gasp of pleasure against Tam’s quivering pussy lips.

My tongue slowly started to press over her engorged lips.  From bottom to top, from one to the other, then pressing against her hard little pearl, making sure that the tip press down as I started to swirl it around.  Taking my cues from the man between my thighs, I let my tongue slowly pleasure her soft, moist cunt as Rob did my cock.  As he slid his tongue along the throbbing vein so did I slowly slide mine around the engorged labia.

As I felt Rob greedily take my entire cock into his mouth, his warm lips wrapped around the very base of my shaft, and my swollen nuts being covered by his warm drool, I poked my tongue deep into the folds of Tam quivering pussy, forcing another loud moan from her lips.  As she ground her cunt onto my lips, my coarse beard hairs rubbing against her sensitive clit, I reached up with both hands to paw at her swaying tits.  My fingers digging into her flesh as both my thumbs rubbed and flicked over her pebble like nipples. Bucking and gyrating under her, my hips slowly thrusting upward to ram my cock further down Rob’s throat.
The large bedroom filled with the sound of three people lost in pure animal lust.  In a somewhat surprising show of force, I felt Tam grab both my wrists and pull my hands from her tits as she raised herself up from my mouth.  In a move worthy of the most flexible dancer ever seen on Dancing with the Stars, she quickly turned herself around to face her husband.  Like a well oiled machine Rob slipped his hands down my legs to my ankles grabbing them and lifting them high up in the air where Tam took over and firmly held them in place.  She then proceeded to push her lovely ass down on my face as Rob slid his mouth from my cock down to my balls, making sure to slather them with his warm tongue before slowly starting to swirl the hot tip around my tight pucker.  I could only let out a deep moan of appreciation for the well choreographed move as I myself stuck my tongue up Tams inviting little star.

‘’That`s it baby lick his hole, make it nice and slick’’

I could hear her say to Rob.  To his credit the man needed no instruction.  His expert tongue was driving me to levels of pleasure I’d seldom experienced with either man or woman.  I could feel Tam rock up and down on my tongue as I happily munch on her tight little pucker. Just as I thought things couldn`t get much better I felt Robs mouth pull away from between my firm cheeks for a moment.  What I felt next were two wet fingers pressing against my warm wet hole.  Slowly they forced their way inside, spreading my tight ring apart.  My cock swelled, threatening to explode right then and there.  It`s then that I felt the cool touch of small leather strap being wrapped around the base of my nut sack and clipped in place.  I could not see but I knew that Tam had just slipped a cock ring firmly around the base of my cock and nut to ensure I would neither explode too soon nor lose my impressive erection.  For a moment I wondered just how kinky my new friends truly were.  But that thought was quickly lost as I felt Rob’s thick finger slip deep into my ass and tap at my prostate forcing a loud groan of pleasure from my lips as I growled against Tams wet pucker.
As I buried my face between her cheeks I could feel her warm mouth slowly envelop my cock from head right down to the root.  It seems Tam was no stranger to swallowing hard meaty cocks.  She managed to take every inch of me without the slightest gag. 

For what seems like a life time but was probably only a few minutes, we stayed like this.  Until I felt Rob’s thick fingers slip out of my ass.  I let out a soft groan as I felt my pucker relax.  The feeling of emptiness was only momentary as I felt his hand start to slide up the back of my thighs up to my calves.  The next sensation was that of his thick cock head pressing against my burning pucker.  As he started to push in slowly Tam redoubled her efforts on my cock, the slurping sounds of her hot mouth filling the air as I arched my body under her feeling Rob thick rod slide deep into me.  Pushing forward until I could feel every inch of him inside me.

I heard him groan something in, what I can only imagine was Dutch, his native tongue as I felt his balls press against my ass.  After holding there for a few moments, to let me adjust to his girth he began to slowly pull back, until only the head of his engorged cock remained in my ass.  As Tam pull her mouth from my shaft and looked up at him with a grin and just said.

``Do it baby``

I felt him ram himself back in all the way with force.  The mix of pain and pleasure pull a loud moan from my lips as I felt his hands clamp down around my ankle and his cock start to drive back and forth into my ass like it was a jackhammer.  The headboard slammed into the wall with every thrust of his hips.  My chest heaving bouncing Tam up and down as she kept encouraging him to pound me harder and harder.
The feel of his cock pounding my ass along with Tams mouth slurping along my rock hard shaft was amazing.  But after a few minutes of hard thrust it was Tam who decided that she was in need of a hard pounding and she wouldn't be denied.

Pulling her ass from my face, her pucker still dripping with my spit she quickly turned around and straddled my hips.  I felt Robs cock slip out of my now gaping asshole as she slid down onto my shaft, her warm wet velvet box enveloping my cock.  She moaned loudly as she settled down.
 I could feel my cock stretching her cunt as she bent forward, offering up her full breast to my mouth and hand and her ass up to her husband’s cock.  My spit being the only lube they needed, I could feel her nails dig into my hairy chest as he Rob pushed himself up her back door.  The feel of his cock running alongside mine was incredible.  Soon we found ourselves matching our rhythm as we both impaled her.
Once she made sure that we were both securely inside her Tam pushed herself up and started working her hips.  Grinding on both cocks as we both started to molest her body with our hands.  I pawed and scratched at her tits as he kneaded her ass cheeks like a baker working his dough.  She looked down at me, her eyes filled with pure animal lust as she groaned and moaned.

‘’Fuck me you bastards, fuck me hard!’’

She groaned.

We needed little encouragement as we both started to thrust our hips back and forth with more force.  Our balls slapping against each other with every deep thrust.  As her head fell back she sunk her nails deeper into my chest and let out a powerful scream of pure ecstasy, her cunt clamping down on my cock as she let her climax wash over her.  I could feel the cock ring strain around my cock and balls threatening to give way as her moist cunt coated my shaft with her squirting juices. 

Collapsing on top of me I could feel her breath on my chest, our cocks still buried deep inside her as we both stopped for a moment to let her enjoy the feeling.  After a very short break she raised her head up and looked at me with a grin.

‘’Now let see if you give as good as you get’’

She said with a wicked smile, as she pulled herself away from both erect members.  She offered her hand and helped me get off the bed as she lay down, her feet at the head board, and spread her legs wide.  Rob took no time at all in filling her mouth with his cock as he lay on top of her and brought his mouth to her dripping pussy.  With a wink he looked over at me as he spread his ass cheeks apart with one hand.  The invitation was too tempting to resist.

I slowly walked up behind him, one hand trailing around his spine as I slapped my hard cock on each of his upturned cheeks before sliding it along his crack.  I spat on his tight pucker and worked the natural lube in with my thumb as I felt his hips push back and forth, the sound of Tam slurping on his cock as he spread her throat open.

‘’Give it to me’’

I heard him groan from between her thighs.  I obliged.  Pressing the head of my cock against his burning pucker I slowly push forward watching my shaft disappear up his tight ass.  Is face pressed up against his wife’s cunt I could hear him moan with every inch I stuck into him, until I felt my balls press firmly against his ass.

Once I knew he could take me with ease I grabbed his hips and started to pound him for all I was worth.  Each thrust pushing him further down Tam`s hungry throat.  Our bodies colliding, the scent of lust and sweat filling the room as we fucked like wild beasts.  I could see him grabbing her thighs and digging his fingers into them.  His face completely mashed up in her pussy.  His hips working up and down as he fed her his cock and pushed back on mine to greedily take every inch of me. 

As I felt his body start to stiffen up I knew he was about to explode.  I couldn't take any longer, I reached down between us mid thrust and unclasped the tight ring around my balls and cock.  With one last powerful thrust I buried myself up his ass and as I knew he would, he exploded down his wife gullet, his ass muscles clenching around my shaft milking my balls for their hot load, which I gave without restraint.

The room filled with the sounds of two lust filled beast and one hungry slut as the three of us managed to climax at the exact same time.  The rush of such a powerful orgasm almost made my knees buckle.  We stayed this way for a few moments, none of us able to move I think.  All that could be heard was Rob and I catching our breath and Tam nursing on a throbbing cock, greedily suckling every drop from it.

I slowly began to pull my spent cock from Rob`s ass, watching as my cum started to drip from his hole.  As I pulled away Tam took no time at all in making sure that not a drop of cum was wasted as she pulled her mouth from his cock and slid her tongue over his ball and around his gaping pucker to clean up the tasty mess.  I could see Rob shiver with every slip of her tongue around his gaping hole.

When Rob finally manage to get his legs under him he stood and opening the bedside drawer pulled out a joint which he quickly lit up as Tam and I lay back on the bed.  As he lay back on the other side of his wife we passed the joint around and just slowly toked as we bathed in the afterglow.

We laid there for time, getting seriously baked and refueling our internal batteries.  Until Tam sprung up from the bed, and headed to a drawer in her dresser.  Reaching in she turned holing up a very serious looking strap on with what I can only described at a monster of a cock on it.

‘’So, who’s next?’’

The End