Good morning readers.
Well this weeks post is all about questions I've had ever since I bought a hot tub in SL this weekend.
Ever since I've been wondering;
Follow the guide if you will.
Now this all started yesterday when I bought THIS tub and put it down at Olina. BTW let me say right off the bat...I'm not Dumping of creators and builders here...and this is NOT about this particular just brought up question for me that I felt like sharing with you all.
Oh and also...Olina as a new hot tub now...go fuck in it.
After only a few minutes of having put this down and jumping in it with other people started wondering.
-Why can't we sit more then 4 people?
-Why can't we move closer together?
-Why don't we have more group animations?
This started me thinking about SL's evolution. Now I'm not a builder or a scriptwriter but I wondered. If you have the talent to build something like that tub.
If I'm a creator, I build my first toy and I'm happy. It sells well. Logic would say, you look at the feedback you get from your customer and go from build 1 to build 1.1 to 2.0 to 3.0 right?
But in SL you often don't see that. People seem to be content to put something out on the market and then just let it lie there, never going any further.
So I wondered is it cost, time, or just plain...I don't give a fuck?
I've been in Second Life now for 7 years (dear God). I've seen MANY things evolve since I first started out.
-Sex Bed
-Prim and then Mesh
It seems when we first started out, it was like the wild west. People were out to make a name for themselves and concur the new frontier.
But now 10 years into SL it seems that things have slowed down considerably. Where we use to get a leap in SL creation every other week now it seems that people have just given up.
Don't get me wrong some creator are still hard at it and Thank God for that. But it seems they've also become content with just putting a product out there and never ever coming back to it.
Let me give you an example of what I thinking. When we got into the tub and we tested out ALL the poses here what I came up with right off the top of my head.
-Add poses outside the tub for people to lean up again and just chat with those IN the tub.
-Increase the number of animations for the 3some FFM (seems like it's 90% blowjobs)
-Put in some "Warm up" animations as in where people get closer together and just rub each other
-Make is so other around the tub could either watch the action or even join in.
Those are just some of the idea I had after using this tub for 20 minutes.
It had me thinking. Did the creator not think of these things?
Again, I say, I'm not a builder so I'm not dumping here. For 499$ this is an great toy. But why stop at "Great" when you have a platform and you could make this THE greatest Hot Tub in SL history with just a few adjustments?
The same can be said of almost all the toys in SL. Just last week I discovered Akaesha's "React" engine. Do you know what blew me away?
The fact that you could do a Tit grab!!!
Such a simple thing yet no other builder had thought to take the time and think that in RL...when we're in a sexual position we move. It's the subtle things at time that will blow your mind. To be able to fuck someone and than just reach out and grab their breasts, was AMAZING.
I'll admit..the REACT toys are pricy...but well worth it.
BUT...and there's a BUT yes. Like many others in Second Life. This engine as been around since 2007 they say. YET...they have yet to go beyond creating one engine to power 3somes or moresomes.
Again it seems they're are content to say "Well we have a couples toy...that's that"
Now I'm not privy to the builders though process. For all I know they may be working on something as we speak or they may of given up completely.
But if Akaesha could come up with this engine back in 2007 why is it I wonder that others haven't picked up the gauntlet?
I can easily remember back 7 years ago when Stroker Serpentine came out with his sex engine. People were copying that shit left and right. Some were literally copying it..which brought on some ground breaking legal battles on Cyber property issues.
But a lot of people got inspired by his creation and wanted to top it. This created a creative, competitive atmosphere that gave use new sex bed almost every month.
Now some of you may say "Yeah but Rick there are just so many ways one can fuck someone" to you I say...Shut up this is my blog go write your own and you're an unimaginative
Ok given, you don't have to reinvent the wheel here. But what about what REACT as done. If you give me Missionary position, how about you give 5 level of it? Where I move a leg, or lean down and kiss her or reach down and grab her boobs. Don't just stop at this one lousy static pose where I"m humping like a brain dead rabbit.
From some of the toys I've seen I would wager that some of the people who build these sex toys, have never had much experience in RL. Some go from recycled poses (Like the TASTE HER pose. I swear I see that one in a toy I feel like throwing up). To static pose where you look like you're fucking a tree stump. To the one right out of Cirque du Soleil. I mean give me a break...the human body does NOT bend that way.
Here's an example of Evolution and attention to detail.
The Sex Pool Table from Alina.
Not only does the creator give you options to have this toy in Prim or Mesh, BUT this is one of the first (and sadly still one of the few) Fully Bisexual toys in SL. Male Bisexual of course...the girls can lick pussy on any sex toy.
But talk about attention to details. Ok this is NOT a perfect toy. BUT you can see where the animations were built for that specific toy with very few being recycles from other sex engines. The innovation of having a choice in the 3some menu to go full on Male Bisexual is mind blowing.
But again here top of my head
-Why is the Bisexual option only in the 3some menu?
This creator is to be commended cause He or She does come out with new stuff on a regular basis. So a case can be made as to why they don't go back and adjust or tweek an older toy.
SO, I put it to you, those of you who create and build in SL. Am I full of shit? If so please let me know. I'd love to know your feeling about these questions.
Again I say, this wasn't about putting down anyone builder or any particular toy. I stand in awe of those who take the time and have the skills to build anything in SL.
This is just the Bear wondering WHY?
Have a good week you all and let me know your thoughts.
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