Saturday, 12 October 2013


Greeting Blogger readers,

Sorry if I've been away for a bit...but RL as kept me busy these past few weeks.  I've been remodeling. .

But I'm back with a vengeance this week with one Story (already posted) and now my thoughts for the week

So time to put our thinking caps on and take a look at a phenomena I've seen much of in SL over the years.  I call it.


Fist off let me say this is NOT a rant.  I'm not harping on people here just discussing something that I've notices over the years.

So what is this EFFECT?  You may ask.

Well most of you who have been in SL for any given amount of time know that most people when they come to a sim...any kind of sim (unless it's a shop). Tend to go no further then about 30m from the landing spot.  Which I'm sure must infuriate most Sim creators.  They spend their time and money building these awesome sims with tones of toys and no one goes around to use them.

This is where the EFFECT starts to kick in.

Now if you've ever "People watched" you get the idea of where I'm going.  People in RL or SL tend to act differently as individual then they do in groups.  It's the same thing you'll see in RL where in a given situation what they call MOB mentality takes over.  You can reason with on's harder to reason with a crowd.

As for SL, the effect as a different way of manifesting itself.

We'll take Olina as our exemple.

On any given day when you rezz at Olina you find people on the patio.  Most time you'll find Zach scrubbing down the

People will walk around or sit and chat.  Like a pride of lions on a hot day they mostly look around for their next meal and that's just normal.

Were we see the Monkey see Monkey do effect in action is when the place starts to be a little crowded.  A group of people will start dancing.  One woman will take her top off, within a few minutes what you see is that all the women have their tops off.

A couple will start to have sex on one of the sofas or chair, then you'll see others join in on other toys.

A personal example I witnessed this morning.

Now most people couldn't find the Olina Cinema with both hands and a flash light.  Yet this morning 4 very sexy and very people decided to go down there to use one of the Great Rugs located there. (More on those rugs later).  So as I'd just gotten up and was drinking my coffee, I figured why not go down there and sit quietly and just watch for once.   I rarely get to Perv others.

Now as I sat there quietly watching the Effect started.  As I've stated, most at Olina don't have clue WHERE the cinema is located.  But within minutes of my sitting down and enjoying the view.  One, than two and then three more people magically appeared.

Within a few minutes you could have sworn the landing spot had been changed from Patio to the Cinema.

Now again don't get me wrong this is not a negative, nor is it a positive thing.  It's just an observation.  It seems that on their own people won't really explore, yet if a few start something they're more then willing to join in or at least have a look.

It seem the group mentality as a way of breaking down barriers.  Where someone may have second thoughts about getting naked or down right raunchy when alone with someone else...its seem their inhibitions melt away when they see others start acting up around them.

Now some of you will say...they just get horny watching others...and yes I'm sure that's part of it.  But if you take a look around you in SL you'll see the Effect happen in a multitude of situation, sexual and non sexual.

So remember all you party planners out there, or those intrepid souls who want to do some type of event that all you need are one or two couples to start the fun and then you'll see everyone join in in no time at all.

So that was my take on Social behavior.

Now for some shameless plugs.

First of all, about the aforementioned rugs at Olina.  For those of you who'd like to see them in action...they're IN THE CINEMA...use the teleporter.

They are a creation of one of the member Windmaster4 Vernon and here's a URL for his store.  Please make sure to visit.

Second, and just cause it's my Blog and I can...I want to plug a work of a friend of mine Jeanne Sahara whom I think if one of THE best photographers in SL.  But you can judge that for yourself at her Gallery.  I'll give you a link to both her Flickr Page and her SL gallery.  She's having a sale of her hurry up and go get it...I'm told everything in the gallery is up for sale.

Ok well right now I only have her Flickr page the woman...she'll give you a LM.

You all have a great week now.

See you all soon and again thank you for reading.  (Comments always welcomed)


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