Saturday, 31 August 2013


Hello Bloggers,

Well in the category of "They all can't be Gems"

I have little to report this week.

The Bear as been busy preparing the first Olina BDSM EVENT and I can assure you it's cut down on my play time and also the time I have to write.

But I do want to make some acknowledgements

First off, I'd like to thank a fellow blogger and Second Life enthusiast mister webspelunker Ghostraven.  He not only attended my first ever Erotic Reading at Utopia last week but was also kind enough to mention it in his own blog, which I encourage you to read.

So for those of you keeping score, I've had my first hater AND now my first mention in someone else's blog.

Can a Stalker be far behind?

Second of all, I'd like to thank all of you at Olina who have responded with such enthusiasm to our BDSM EVENT, both in wanting to join us there and those who could not attend but graciously offered many toys for us to use.

For those of you reading this and STILL not aware.  (Where the hell have you been, I've been bugging people with this for over a month now)

The first ever Olina BDSM EVENT will take place on Sunday September 8th, from 10am SLT to 2pm SLT.

Be there the words of Achmed....I KILL YOU!!

Third, allow me to do a little self promotion.  Next Thursday at Utopia at 6pm SLT I will be doing another Erotic reading of one of my stories.

Please join us in the VIP can't miss us I'll be the Naked 8'3" guy on a rock reading to a bunch of horny people.

So that's about it this week.

Have fun and I hope to bring you something more fun next time.


Saturday, 24 August 2013


Hello everyone.

Well this week, let me start by thanking all of you who showed up at Utopia this past Thursday to hear the first ever reading of my work.

Dai and Lori were kind enough to invite me to read some of my work for their member and I was surprised by the turn out.   I honestly thought it would be and a tree stump.  But turns out I was wrong and I thank you all.  I can only hope that I did justice with to my words with my

As it seems that folks seemed to enjoy it...Dai as asked if I would do it again.  So look for your notices and on some other Thursday night I'll be happy to share yet another story with you all.

Let's hope this time I won't be as nervous.  It's a bit harder than it looks to sit there and just have the sound of your own voice as everyone listens...and God knows what they're doing in IM's.  LOL.

Oh and for my personal hater...seems after all I'm NOT the only one that enjoys the sound of my voice.

Ok enough of that.

Now what shall we talk about this week  (He writes as he spills coffee all over his keyboard)

Ah it!


As most of you may know by now I've been trying to organize a BDSM event at Olina for the past week.  I say I, but I should really say WE, credit where credit is do, Dai and Lori have been hard at work behind the scenes as well.

Now what does it take to pull off any kind of event in Second Life?

Well first off you have to absolutely out of your mind for even agreeing to try and organize it.

Second of all, it take the patience of a Saint  (Something I have yet to receive)

You see unlike Real Life where you'll set up a date and folks will mark that date down, having an SL event is a fluid thing.  Because no one can really put SL first, they can only give you a tentative Yes.

As for picking a Date or a time...well hell.  Might as well close your eyes and throw dart at the wall and see what sticks.

How do you plan for a Globe spanning event.  Any time you chose will be an awkward time for someone.  You try and make it for People in Europe, it's too early for people in North America.  You make it accessible to people in North America, it's to late for the folks in Europe....and people in Australia....they're screwed either


Then you have the joy of having 57 people who need to contact.  To whom you send out a note card and hope that they will RSVP.

Well the first thing you hear not 24 hours later is  "Oh I must of deleted it"

This is where you get a 45 y.o. grown man hitting his head on his desk.

So you send one back.

and you wait.

and you wait

and you wait

Did I mention you needed the patience of a saint?

and you wait

Until you can stands it no more (as Popeye would say) and you have to contact them all AGAIN...cause let's face it most people don't read any of the crap they're sent.

All this and you're still not sure you have the people you thought you had.

That's pretty much where I am this week.

Sorry I have no pearl of wisdom to give out this week.

Oh wait maybe I do...

If you come up with this GREAT idea for party you think would REALLY be enjoyable in Second life....and you think to yourself  "How hard can it be to set up"

Go outside grab the heaviest rock you can find and drop it on your foot and then never EVER mention your idea ever again.

Trust me on that...I've just saved your sanity.

Have a good week.

P.S: For those of you reading this blog who have mentionned interest in our BDSM event.


Please?!?  **He asks as one eye starts to twitch uncontrollably**

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Want to Fuck?

Hello there Blogger readers.

Welcome to this weeks little nugget of SL knowledge or question.

This weeks I'm channeling Carrie Bradshaw.  (Yes I watched Sex and the city, deal with it)


We've all been there and we all joke about it.  Those poor newbies or (god forbid) those more experience people who come up to us and go "Want to fuck?"

I know, I know we all hate it.  But it started me thinking.  How do you approach people in SL when you're horny and want to play with them.

Now in real life we all send out subtle signals or sometimes not so subtle ones.  A flip of the hair, a lingering touch, a wink etc.

But in a virtual world where we spend most of our time standing still or not being able to really control our movements, how do you send out those signals.

Now let me be clear, I have no answer to this at the moment.  I'm just exposing the problem to get everyone thinking and hopefully talking.

So, what am I talking about here?


Ok so if you're on a sex sim, there's a good chance you're not there to look at the scenery, unless you're a pixel voyeur which in that are there for the scenery.  But it is quite possible that you'll be sitting around just waiting for others to show up.

If you try to pick up someone on a sex sim the odds are in your favor that you'll get a positive response.  Compared to say...trying to pick up people at !Xcite or in a Sex Bed / Toy store.  (Yeah I've seen it done trust me there are trolls everywhere.)

But does it automatically follow that just because you're THERE you're open to say anyone coming up to you? and if you are how is the best way for someone to approach you?

Here I'll give out a few examples of what I've heard over the years.  I'm sure you'll recognize more than a few of them.


This is the person who after having gazed at your profile jumps in your IM box to tell you;

  • Wow hot picture!
  • Oh I'm Canadian too
  • I love your description
I'm not saying these aren't good ways to break the ice.  But they're also not the most imaginative ways.


Oh these ones I love.  These are the ones that from half a sim away will notice you have clickable body parts and start to push your buttons without even having said Hi to you.

That's always very attractive.

For those of you who wonder what to say or do when it happens.  I always tell them

"Yes it's an Xcite cock and their on sale right now.  Go get one you can click on it all day.  ENJOY!"

Needless to say the conversation never really gets off the ground.


Now these are the people who can think of nothing better to say to open up a conversation than;

  • Love the way you dance
  • Nice cock
  • Great tits
  • Wish I was that dance pole
You get the idea.

Let me just say, we're all great dancers in comes with the dance balls.  The fact that He or She is grinding it in your direction is NOT an indication of their interest...just means the dance ball is pointing that way!.

As for having a great looking Cock or Tits or any other body part.  You're not complementing're complimenting the creator.

You want this to work?  Try being a little more specific and complementing the person on how they're put together.  THAT is work they did.  But going after the singular body part.  That's just crass.


Now these folks are a little more tricky.  These are the ones that don't come at you openly.  You know, they try to come at you sideways and you're never really sure if they're flirting with you or not.

Now from personal experience, I've had men in SL approach me.  Nothing about their profile or history would suggest that they're open to bisexuality what so ever.

So where do you go from there?

First of all, you have to keep in mind this is a Virtual world.  In real life, if a man came up to me and let it be known that he's interested in Male on Male sex.  We'd find a place and we'd go at it.  Everything that he would experience next would tell if he's into it or not.

But when you're essentially "acting it out".  How do you enjoy someone who as no point of reference as to what he's doing of feeling?

Now if you've never actually experienced sex with another man.  How in the HELL are you going to play it out?

Imagination is all well and good.  But if you have no point of reference as to how it feels to have a cock in your mouth or one up your ass.  This will make for a very uncomfortable or even boring role play.

Now I can't speak for women here.  I honestly don't know if a woman can successfully fake an encounter with an another woman.  I would tend to believe that they can.  But I could very well be wrong.

So what I'm saying here is, when I'm approached by someone I define as "Curious" it become very hard to respond to them.

A) you don't know what it is exactly they want.  Are they looking to be on Top, or Bttm.

B) you have no idea of their comfort level.  What if when you're the middle of it they go running off screaming cause at that very moment they realize...It's really not for them.

So all and all Curious Georges can be....very confusing.  I know I've spent many hours with some and after still wondered to myself.  WTF was that all about?


Those are the no nonsense people.

They'll just walk up to you and say shit like;

  • Hey me and my girl are looking for a 3some are you available?
  • Hi, are you free next weekend?  My partner really like you and we'd like to get something going
  • Hi, I'll pay you to screw my wife.  (Yeah it happens)
Now, cu does to these folks. They know what they want and they don't beat around the bush.

But what it gains in clarity, it looses in spontaneity.

Remember here we're talking about "First contact" situation.  People who come out of the blue and you've never really meet them or know anything about them.  What they enjoy, what they're like etc.

So if you're the type who just gets off on Pixel Porn...then by all means.  Those are the best people to find.  You 'll get somewhere, get naked and just do it.  

But if you're a little more intellectual about your SL sex, then, it might not be all that good for you.  


Good question...

As this is my little corner of the bloggosphere, I can only tell you what I enjoy.  It may vary for you all.

I like to get to know my partners.

I like to be approached in a social manner.  Sit down say HI, strike up a conversation.  See if there's the least bit of chemistry between us.

I find that things have a way of attending to themselves.  If there's attraction there the conversation usually turns flirtatious.  From there where you take it is up to you.

But I find that if you "Expect" sex, more often then not you'll be disappointed.

So I guess my advice would be.  Aim for a good time.  A fun conversation, some laughs, some deep discussion etc.  Open up to the person you're talking with.  Let them know of your likes and dislikes so that it's not a surprise once you're getting hot and heavy.

Once you've established a rapport with the person, THEN you go right ahead and screw like rabbits.

Don't be surprised if it take more then one meeting for something to get started.  In a world like SL you never exactly know what the other person as been up too.  If he or she just finished having mind blowing sex with someone not 10 minutes ago.  He or she might not be receptive to your advances.  Doesn't mean they're not interested.  Just means they're not interested RIGHT NOW.

I've been in Second Life for many years.  I have had MANY lovers.  Men and Women and all I can say is, the ones that have been the best, are the ones I've taken the time to know.  

I'm not saying you have to spill your guts and bring in all your baggage.  (God no!).  But see if you connect on something more then a Genital level.

and this is my bit of BEAR wisdom for the week.

I have no clue if this helps you or not.   But if nothing else it was fun to write.  Hope you had fun reading.

Again thank you for taking the time read.

To all of you who have contacted me saying you enjoy my little Blog, I'm always happy to hear it and thank you very much.

Have fun!!

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Good morning all you lovely people .

First of all let me say we're rapidly approaching 400 views on this little blog.  Which is about 385 more views than I ever thought I would get.  So again let me thank you all for reading.

Honorable mention

It seems my last posting on this blog brought out my first "hater" and I couldn't be happier.  As I recall the fellow said that;

I enjoyed the sound of my own voice

That I was also full of shit.

Let me just take a moment here.

A) This being a BLOG it follow that YES I do enjoy the sound of my own voice.  But to be specific since this isn't really a vocal thing, it would have been more accurate to say I enjoyed the sight of my own writing.

The quality of haters these days...

But since this is a BLOG and Blogs were invented for people who like to post their own opinions my answer to your comment my dear fellow would be....DEUH!

B) As for being full of shit.   The blog is called "Bear droppings".  Soooo...what was your first clue Sherlock?

Now don't get me wrong I'm tickled pink at getting my first hater.  I guess I just would have liked it more had he been of a higher caliber, but we take what we're offered.

The joy of a Free speech society is that he is fully within his rights to express his opinion about this blog in any way he chooses.  I for my part am fully within my rights to not give a rats ass.  But just for you

There you go.

Now I can't wait to get my first Death Threat....should be fun.

O.K. Now onto this week's blog posting


This week was somewhat quiet around Olina, but it did give me a chance to have a few conversations with people and one of the topics we approached was "The Friend Zone".

For those of you who may not know what that is here's a quick run down.

The friend zone much liked "The Phantom Zone" in Superman comics, is where you get banished when someone shows Zero interest in you sexually.

The Friend Zone is a cold and mysterious place.  It's a place where most of us have been banished at one time or an other and where we've banished a few people ourselves.  We know of a few ways to enter this Zone, yet how you get out of it.   I haven't got a clue.  lol.

So what does get you banished to the Friend Zone?

Well I can only give you MY reasons to banish someone there.  I'm sure you have your own, and please feel free to share them.

1. I'm just not that into you.

Basically, you're either just not attractive enough (newbish look, no AO, bad shoes, bad hair etc) or you couldn't emote your way out of a paper bag.

Nothing will get you banished to my Friend Zone faster then a lack of imaginative responses or those ever boring 3 or 4 word emotes in the middle of sex.

There's also the (Whore/slut) factor.  (This applies to women and men, just to be clear)

If you're only interest in me is because you can't find someone else to jump at the moment....I'm just not interested and seeing you move from one cock to another in 2.3 seconds does nothing for me.

Don't get me wrong I love people who enjoy many partners.  But when you're the type to hump anything and everything, without any class or flirting or any kind of discerning hit my Friend Zone...HARD!.

2. I'm into you but you're not worth the drama.

This is when you encounter someone that, although is in a "Swingers group", is attached to someone that can be A LOT of problem.  Now you know you could have some good times with that person but what would follow would certainly expose you to hours and hours of DRAMA.  Not to mention being entangled in a jealous scene.  At some point you just say to's not worth it.

So you pass and very gently and politely put that person into your "Friend Zone"

3. We had some good times...

This is when you've been with someone on several occasion and you've become very good friends with them in and out of bed.  Now this one is don't always see it coming.  But apparently after a time you sort of slip those people into the Zone without even realizing it.  It's nothing they've done wrong.  It's just you find you have more fun or interest in talking with them and having a good intellectual time with them then having sex with them.

I know it's sick!

Those are my 3 major "Friend Zone" entry requirement.  What are yours?


Not sold in any Auto shop these brake pads are very specific to Second life.

What are SL Brake Pads you may ask?

Good question.  I do love a smart readership.

SL Brake Pads are something that all Second Life enthusiast must have.  You won't find them on Market place or in your inventory.

They are primarily used when;

A) Someone you're having an intense sexual role play with suddenly crashes.

That's when they hurt like hell.  Say you're in the middle of a HOT rape scene in SL and her mother calls.  You hit the brakes HARD.  Hard enough that smokes comes out.  Or worst when SL decide that today your partner will just NOT be able to stay in world with you for more then 5 or 10 minutes at a time.  Just long enough for you to revv up the engine once more and have to slam on the brakes one more.

B) Oh here's my bye now!

Now this can put some wear and tare on your brakes.  When someone approaches you and starts to push your buttons.  You think to yourself 

"Oh yeah this is going to be HOT"

and out of of the blue their "Lover" just happens to pick THAT moment to Rezz in.

Without warning, as if a deer just suddenly jumped out in front of you, you have to slam on the brakes.  Or should I say the brakes are slammed on for you.

In a New York minute...sometimes even faster than that, you find yourself sitting on a couple's pose ball by yourself, as your playmate of the moment jumps up to run to her or his lover, forgetting all about you.

That's when you can actually see sparks coming off the brake pads if you look closely.

Now my thoughts on this;

When someone crashes (and I've been on both side of that), you can't do anything about it.  It's a reality of Second Life and it will happen.  The ironic thing about it is, it seems to happen in THE most frustrating of times.

But for anyone that's ever had cyber sex in know damn well it's going to happen.

Oh and by the way...if you're the one crashing, trust me, kicking the shit out of your computer with only give you a soar toe.

As for the other part.  

Well that I find just down right rude at times.  Yes it's happened to me.  But I can honestly say that I have never been guilty of this myself. 

I find trading one person for another like that to be somewhat distasteful.

I mean if you're on a "Swinger sim" and your lover does happen to come on.  By all means you acknowledge them and all.  But to just drop someone you've started playing with like that?

How about this.  If you know you're just waiting for your "Lover" to show up.  You don't start anything you can't finish.

Or this, have an understanding with your lover that IF you're with someone and you've started playing with'll finish what you started and THEN go sit with them.

Of course I'm saying that is if you've started to play with someone.  If you're just sitting there chatting then it's perfectly ok to politely excuse yourself.

But please, do try to spare the SL brake pads.  

Well those are my caffeine filled thoughts for the day.

Please feel free to comment, and I will feel free to laugh and ignore those negative

Until next time.

Now I have to find another Rat.

Here ratty ratty, come here!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

MEN 101

Hello there everyone.

It's time again for one of my "Droppings".  This posting was inspired by a friend who contacted me sometime last week.  She seemed upset and I asked what's wrong.  She says  "Men are Jerks!"  Which I basically laughed off cause....that's not news.

BUT, for those of you in need of a refresher course on MEN.  The professor is IN.

SO!.  What I'm about to tell you will probably get me booted out of the "He man women haters club" (kudos if you get that reference) but I believe it must be said.



It's that simple.

Now before you start going off and saying "No that's not true not ALL men"  YES!!  ALL MEN.

Letting this sink in for a few seconds

Sunk in yet?

O.K. so now we can extrapolate.

When I say ALL men I seriously mean it.  Just on different levels.  But at our core we are genetically wired to be jerks.

This is not saying some men can't be good guys.  Great fathers, husbands or boyfriends.  It just means ladies that you have to know your man is a jerk and you have to stop being surprised when he finally shows you how much of a jerk he can be.

What are men?  We're very simple creatures.  As one comedian put it "All we want is a Beer and to see something naked" and that's essentially IT.

Now let's us run through some practical examples of "Jerkus Erectus Manus".

Now let me start off by saying that for women, thinking "The perfect man is out there" is not really your fault.  You get a raw deal.  From the time you think, most women are fed these Walt Disneyesk fairy tales about how Prince charming is out there and that one day he'll come and life will be perfect once you have your big wedding and a house and kids etc etc.


I'm sure Prince Charming was a jerk too.  If he wasn't why did it take him so much time to find his princess?

Now since the dawn of time, men have been Jerks.  For Christ sake, one of Ten commandments is "Dude don't be wanting your neighbors stuff and his wife"  I mean can it BE any clearer.

Men like toys.  We like to get toys, we like to play with them, then break them and then we want a new toy.  Essentially we're 6 years old all our life.  The only thing that changes is we need to shave.


You know him, you love him.  Yes that's the guy you meet and he starts to tell you that he's in a relationship/marriage but that he's soooo unhappy.  He bend your ear with his sad story about he doesn't feel loved anymore.  You for your part look at him and think "Oh the poor man, if only he was with me I'd make him feel loved"


So translation.  This guy isn't getting what he wants from his relationship anymore.  Most times just means he's not getting laid as much as he wants too.  Mr.Wonderful here just didn't figure that after some time passions in any relationship goes from RED HOT to burning embers.  He's played with his "Toy" and now he's tired of it and wants a New shinier toy.

Now most men do this with full knowledge of what they're doing.  For some, they don't even realize they're doing it.  They truly believe that they're the victim in all this.

As for the idea that he will leave his Girlfriend / Wife...for you.  Not saying it won't ever happen.  But in most cases, he'll just yank your chain and use you until you start standing up and demanding a bit more of a commitment.  Then he's toss you so fast you're head will spin right into a tub a Haagen-daz.


You ever wonder why on Sunday night we don't tune into a TV show called "The Good Husband"?  Cause CBS doesn't do Science Fiction.

Look I'm not saying ALL Husband / Boyfriends are Lechers, but I am saying that deep down they are still men.

What does that mean.  It mean that if he thinks he can get away with it without having to pay a price.  YES he will cheat on you.  It's in the DNA.  Some men will fight it.  Some out of sense of honor and duty.  Most out of a shear fear of getting caught.

I personally know someone who's cheated on his wife many many times.  So I asked him.  "Why not leave her?"  To which he said  "Oh no I love my wife and my kids and my family life.  BUT I love women too"

Now this is a "Good guy" but he's a Jerk!

Why does it do it?  Cause it's thrilling.  Cause it spices up his life.  Cause he's tired of playing with the same toy day in and day out.  Take your pick.

Now for those of you out there reading this and saying  "No way!  I know my Hubby/BF and he would NEVER cheat"  You're soooo wrong.

For men it's not plan.  It's what you could call a crime of opportunity.  They can be the most faithful man until the opportunity presents itself.  Then the Jerk gene kicks in and they jump the fence.  Once they've jumped the fence once...they want to know if they can do it again.  Then they see they're getting away with it, having their cake and eating pussy too.  So they keep on doing it.  With each line they cross, it gets easier and easier.

Until they get careless and get caught.

We may be jerks, but we're also not that bright.

Now I know there are many many people out there in GREAT relationships.  Thank God and good on you.  I'm not saying it can't work.  All I'm saying here is remember Rule #1 and you'll be a much happier person.

If you're lucky you'll never see "The jerk" surface in your man.  Ignorance is truly bliss.  But if and when you do finally see it in your man.  PLEASE don't come crying and stating the obvious.

YES MEN ARE JERKS!!  Deal with it!

What about women?

FUCK WHO KNOWS?  Bitches be crazy!!!

Thursday, 1 August 2013


O.K., so for those of you who read part one....(Good for you) here's the second part of this little list that bridges into Second Life.

The Newby:  Ah yes, we've all been there.  Walking into walls, bad hair, bad skin, horrible clothes.  Out on Newby Island, looking at our keyboard and our screens going  "How the fuck do I get out of here and find something to fuck!!"

Use to be you could be a "Newby" for quite some time.  But now with all the advances in Skins, shapes etc.  It's no longer acceptable to be a newby for more then 2 maybe 3 weeks.

The Eternal Newby:  That's the guy or girl...that still has their newby look after being in world for over six month...and yes I've seen some AV's as old as 1 year still wearing their newby clothes.  Obviously those are people who have no wish to put a dime into the game to improve their AV...and I have not one ounce of desire in getting to know them.

Pouty Lip, Big Booby Girl:  Those are the AVs you'll usually find hanging around "Black" oriented SIMs.  In other words those are the AVs that White Male think Black men dig.  Yeah cause make no mistake...If you see a pouty lip, super sized titty Barbie that looks like a 10$ whore...chances are pretty good it's a guy behind the keyboard.  Which is fine cause most probably the Hulking Black guy that's all Ghetto and wants a also probably a White guy.

80's Rocker guy:  Jesus Christ!!  Am I tired of seeing that guy.  Listen up....Long hair for men is only sexy IF you're ACTUALLY a rock star!  Other wise you look like an idiot!.  I'm no fan of SL Hair for men but it has greatly improved.  GET A HAIR CUT YOU HIPPY!!

Discolored Cock Guy:  Ah yes I've ranted on that one before but come deserves a second shot.  Guys if you're going to get laid in SL.  For the love of.....take 5 minutes after you leave the cock store....find a place with good light and MATCH YOUR SKIN!!  They've made it super easy now.  No excuses for the horror show we see walking around SL.

Side note:  Walking around with an erect cock...NOT  a good look.

Cheap Shoe Lady:  Now there was a time in SL where you couldn't really get a good shoe.  But now a day they even give great looking shoes or boots with outfits.  There's no reason for a woman to be wearing a shoe that was made back in 2006.  As for me...when I see a woman with bad feet or a bad shoe...I pass.

Out of the Box AV:  Look I know they've greatly improve the skins and the shape...but if you're going to create your about tweeking it a little.  At times you get to a Sim and you can't tell one guy from another cause they all look so plain and unimaginative.

Vampires:  GOOD GOD!!  Die all ready...and stay dead!.  Bunch of Twilight loving @#$#@%$@#$.  No I don't want to join your Clan or be your Blood Bag.  Having Fangs does NOT make you a Dom...Matter of fact considering how over used Vampires are lately it only makes you a sheep.

Nikkos:  I don't get it.  I don't see what having a tail, cat ears and Paw boots does for you.  But hey...if your idea of a good time is shitting in a sand box and licking yourself...go for it.

Gore: O.K that's a big category.  In this category I also include anyone with a tag above their head that read "Master" "Sir" or "Lord"

Now my theory about Gore is this. Any and ALL who play Gore are 35 y.o. men living in their parents basement who have never pleasured a REAL woman in their lifetime.

Offended?  I don't give a crap!.

As for the other Douche Bags with the a fore mentioned Tags above their heads.  Look if you have to advertise it...YOU AIN'T IT!

So I don't care how many women you have on your leash that you parade around to reassure yourself you're a viral stud.  Dominance doesn't come with a leash holder.

 IM GUY:  That's the Schmuck who thinks it's a good idea to IM the girls when they're with someone else or in the middle of a Sexy Role play to "Offer" themselves.

Look you nitwit!  The last thing anyone wants during a sexy RP is to hear that DING DING that announces that you're going to make a fool of yourself by.....oh let's see...say shit like;

"Can I be next"
"You look like you're enjoying that"
"You're HOT"
"I bet I can fuck you better then he can"

Honorable mention here to the women who tend to IM a guy while they're with another.  Look if you're with someone else and cruising ME....what possible interest might I have in going with you can cruise some other guy while you're with ME?

Quiet/Shy Girl:  Look Quiet and Shy is cute.  But in a chat room it doesn't go very far.  If talking to you is like pulling teeth you can be assured we'll move on.  I'm not saying you have to come on to everyone you meet.  But at least do try and hold up your end of the conversation.

The Gesture King/Queen:  You know them, you hate them.  Yes those people who find a gesture just soooooo funny that they must ABSOLUTELY share it with everyone....over and over again.

"God you love this song" Ok thanks...we don't need you to say it every time any song comes on.  There are better way to attract the attention of the DJ.  If you love his Tunes that much...TIP him or her!

This includes all the idiots with the "Wooohoo"  "Welcome back" "Spanking" "That my cookie" "That's my sissy" and all those who have the screen filling gesture that don't stop.

IT WAS CUTE 5 YEARS AGO!!!  It's NOT anymore....GET OVER IT!!


Now this is a Sub Category.  First off let me say I have no issue with people who use voice.  I do myself from time to time.  But here are a few things I've noticed and some possible "Does and Don't"

DRUNK GIRL:  Now if you're idea of a "Good time" is sitting in a dark room in front of you computer and getting wasted out of your skull to the point where no one can understand what you're saying and you basically fall asleep at you desk, passed out.

You might have more of an issue then Internet addiction...just saying.

Honorable mention here to BELCHING GIRL.  It's not sexy when guys do it...and it sure as hell doesn't get sexier when women do it.  It's NOT funny it's just Gross.

MOANING GIRL:  Yes as much as I do enjoy hearing or even more making a woman moan.  30 minutes of you breathing like a vacuum cleaning in your cheap ass microphone does NOTHING for me.

Honorable mention here to the girl who thought it was so sexy to put her microphone up to her vibrator and let me listen.  If you read this....It wasn't.

TV/MUSIC Girl:  Look....pick one would you?  If you're in SL with your microphone turned on, might be nice if you're not drowned out by the background Music or the 6 O'clock news on your TV.  I know we live in a Multi-tasking society but help the planet...pick your poison and STICK WITH IT!.  Either listen to your Tunes, or watch TV...OR BE IN SL!.

Family Life Girl:  I get it...not everyone can be alone when they play in SL.  But if you have a horde of screaming children or other assorted people around you, wanting your attention.  That might be a sign should possibly....oh I don't know....Take care of your family first before escaping into a fantasy world?  When we know you're husband's name, your kids names and even the family dog's name cause we keep hearing their names....might want to turn off the microphone.

Well I think that covers most of the bases.  If you all think of something else I may of missed...please let me know.  If there's something on your mind you'd like me to discuss on this blog drop me a line.

Catch you all later.

P.S.:  I used the terms Girl or Guy but all these go both ways!