Hello everyone.
Well this week, let me start by thanking all of you who showed up at Utopia this past Thursday to hear the first ever reading of my work.
Dai and Lori were kind enough to invite me to read some of my work for their member and I was surprised by the turn out. I honestly thought it would be and a tree stump. But turns out I was wrong and I thank you all. I can only hope that I did justice with to my words with my mouth...lol.
As it seems that folks seemed to enjoy it...Dai as asked if I would do it again. So look for your notices and on some other Thursday night I'll be happy to share yet another story with you all.
Let's hope this time I won't be as nervous. It's a bit harder than it looks to sit there and just have the sound of your own voice as everyone listens...and God knows what they're doing in IM's. LOL.
Oh and for my personal hater...seems after all I'm NOT the only one that enjoys the sound of my voice.
Ok enough of that.
Now what shall we talk about this week (He writes as he spills coffee all over his keyboard)
Ah Yes...got it!
As most of you may know by now I've been trying to organize a BDSM event at Olina for the past week. I say I, but I should really say WE, credit where credit is do, Dai and Lori have been hard at work behind the scenes as well.
Now what does it take to pull off any kind of event in Second Life?
Well first off you have to absolutely out of your mind for even agreeing to try and organize it.
Second of all, it take the patience of a Saint (Something I have yet to receive)
You see unlike Real Life where you'll set up a date and folks will mark that date down, having an SL event is a fluid thing. Because no one can really put SL first, they can only give you a tentative Yes.
As for picking a Date or a time...well hell. Might as well close your eyes and throw dart at the wall and see what sticks.
How do you plan for a Globe spanning event. Any time you chose will be an awkward time for someone. You try and make it for People in Europe, it's too early for people in North America. You make it accessible to people in North America, it's to late for the folks in Europe....and people in Australia....they're screwed either way...lol
Then you have the joy of having 57 people who need to contact. To whom you send out a note card and hope that they will RSVP.
Well the first thing you hear not 24 hours later is "Oh I must of deleted it"
This is where you get a 45 y.o. grown man hitting his head on his desk.
So you send one back.
and you wait.
and you wait
and you wait
Did I mention you needed the patience of a saint?
and you wait
Until you can stands it no more (as Popeye would say) and you have to contact them all AGAIN...cause let's face it most people don't read any of the crap they're sent.
All this and you're still not sure you have the people you thought you had.
That's pretty much where I am this week.
Sorry I have no pearl of wisdom to give out this week.
Oh wait maybe I do...
If you come up with this GREAT idea for party you think would REALLY be enjoyable in Second life....and you think to yourself "How hard can it be to set up"
Go outside grab the heaviest rock you can find and drop it on your foot and then never EVER mention your idea ever again.
Trust me on that...I've just saved your sanity.
Have a good week.
P.S: For those of you reading this blog who have mentionned interest in our BDSM event.
Please?!? **He asks as one eye starts to twitch uncontrollably**
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